About Jolene


My name is Jolene Adelaar, 26 years young, born and raised in Beverwijk, The Netherlands. I am a photographer with a predilection for colors, prints and everyday life. In my work you mainly see photos of several people in an everyday environment doing everyday things, but photographed in an alienating way by showing something unpredictable with the help of fashion.

My work always contains a humorous, airy, happy and colorful aesthetic. I want the viewer to be able to escape reality by showing what real life could look like in my utopian world. An inclusive place where everyone can be themselves and where outspoken fashion outfits are accepted and appreciated.

Beside my personal projects I also photograph families, weddings and anything else you need my expertise for. I would love to hear your ideas!






June: Solo exhibition. ISOO, Centrum voor Fotografie, Beverwijk


July 3 - August 31: Fotofestival Naarden Festival-OFF. CoffeeCulture, Naarden-Vesting


December: GUP New 2021 Exhibition, group exhibition. Kahmann Gallery, Amsterdam


September: AREA 2020, group exhibition, Graduation Show. Loods 6, Amsterdam


July: First Class Exhibition, group exhibition. University of Applied Photography, Amsterdam


Publications + Contests.



VICE x adidas - Interview and photography Open Forum platform



GUP New 2021 Book - Elected as one of the 100 New Dutch Photography Talents of 2021





2016-2020 - Graduated

Bachelor of Arts - HBO Toegepaste Fotografie en Beeldcommunicatie (Applied Photography and Visual Communication) / University of Applied Photography, Nederlandse Academie voor Beeldcreatie, Amsterdam